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Who we are: We are a team of youth ministers, teachers, bloggers and catechists who have gathered together to create a Catholic catechetical formation that is both loyal to the magisterium and dedicated to those who are preparing themselves for the Sacrament of Confirmation and living their Catholic faith in both the real and digital world after having received the three Sacraments of Initiation.
What this is: Lit is a program created by a community of like-minded, traditional Catholics that have been called to teach and learn the Gospel together using New Media. It consists of an open forum, a leveled series’ of nine-week courses that certified catechists have designed to feed you the meat of your Catholic faith and various other resources that can enhance your spiritual life. It is a formation program that allows you to get to know your faith independently using the both the YOUCAT and the Lit to help guide you toward the profound truths that are found in the Catholic Church.
We are not here to start religious arguments nor convince you that you need to go outside on the sidewalk and tell every passerby why you are Catholic. Our goal is merely to prepare you for the moment when people realize you are imitating Jesus and they ask you, “Why?”.
What does Lit consist of? The Lit courses are online instructional classes offered to anyone who seeks a proper formation in the Catholic faith. It is set up like a college program in that each course is leveled, beginning with the basics on the 101 level. As you progress through the program, the content gets deeper and requires more thought and action.
Who is the Lit for? As stated above, it is for anyone who wants to grow in understanding their Catholic faith. However, this site is especially for those who are in RCIA programs, those who are preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation or those who have already been confirmed but still don’t quite understand their faith.
How much does it cost? Nothing. This is a free formation. You need not pay a penny. The only thing you’ll want to purchase a copy of the YOUCAT which costs anywhere from $15-$20. The Lit programs comes with a downloadable workbook that consists of situational circumstances, reflection questions, prayer methods and practical applications . This is free to all of our registered members at the Dominican Institute.
What do I need to do? The program is built to work around your schedule.. It only takes about an hour or two to complete each lesson and the majority of the work is not at all burdensome. The courses were designed to help foster a higher academic approach to understanding the Catholic faith.
Pray: Each lesson begins with a short prayer asking the holy Spirit’s guidance in our hearts and minds. We can’t do much of anything without the Spirit, so we thought it was a good idea to involve Him as we start.
Read: A short story is then read. Each story explains a situation that our writers have experienced in real life. They are a way for you to get to know us and to start talking about the things that really matter in life.
Reflect/Discuss: If you are taking this course individually, the reflection questions are meant to focus your soul on the ideas at hand. The story, the lesson, the entire experience is meant to allow you to connect your faith to the real world. If your catechist is using the courses in a large class setting, these reflections questions were designed to spark conversations about the faith.
Watch: We’ve searched the Internet to find the best YouTube videos on the themes you are working to understand. If we can’t find one, we make one!
YOUCAT: The YOUCAT is the only book you’ll need to for the CEI formation program. It costs around $15 and contains just about everything you need to know about the Catholic faith in an easy to read format. In this section, you will read through small portions of the YOUCAT and gather information to help you understand the teachings of Mother Church.
Journal: Writing has a strange effect on our souls. When we write things down, they become permanent and more meaningful. It is highly recommended that the final journal prompt be completed by the learner and, most importantly, that they receive feedback from their teacher, spiritual director or sponsor.